relentless pursuit

relentless pursuit

For the Lord is good and
His love endures forever;
His faithfulness continues
through all generations.
Psalm 100:5

On this week’s blog I will write about what I’ve learned this past month instead of focusing solely on scripture.
Woooow. This month has been tough. I’ve sent a bunch of angry prayers up to God lately. Sure, some parts have been amazing! I’ve blogged A LOT, and I couldn’t be happier about that. I’ve learned so much by interpreting scripture. I’ve also attended my church more and more and I’ve gotten closer to some amazing friends.
But I also had to make a really tough decision this month.
I’m not going to share exactly what that decision was, but I’m proud of myself for making it, though it took a lot of courage and prayers. But the outcome wasn’t exactly what I expected, or wanted.
As I struggled with the outcome, I failed to recognize God’s love and faithfulness. I failed to recognize that He was with me in the moments where I felt alone, in the moments where I was angry, and the moments where I felt like He was never there. I would pray to Him asking for help, and when I didn’t receive the help I needed (wanted), I felt like He abandoned me. I felt alone.
I think many of us feel like this sometimes, it’s hard not to. Life can be overwhelming, and i don’t know about y’all, but the stress is crazy right now.

But it is important to realize that during our struggles, the Lord is relentlessly cheering for us on the sidelines! He is always there. He’s never going to abandon us, He will never leave us alone.
 This is a pursuit. And a beautiful one at that.
God pursues us, waiting anxiously for us to see Him and what He’s done for us. And the amazing things is: we don’t have to earn his love. It’s been given to us! Not many of us could come close to earning his love, which is why we are so blessed that Jesus was sent down to save us.
We all long to be loved. We long to have someone who will be there for us always, we long to have a relationship where the world fades away, where we are always full of joy, where there is no pain.
This. Can. Be. God.
We just have to accept it.
So, this week I challenge y’all to recognize God’s relentless pursuit and his everlasting love when you are hurting. You’re never alone, even in the hardest times. Even when the stress is building up, even when a loved one dies, even when the people around you are changing for the worse. God’s there for you.
God isn’t pain/stress/hate/death.
God is love.

Thanks so much for reading all the way, I’m incredibly grateful. Remember, I’m praying for all of you and I’m ALWAYS willing to talk. Make sure to subscribe if you haven’t already 🙂

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